Deploying VMware Aria Automation in a VCF 5.2.1 Environment: Step-by-Step Guide

Following the deployment of vIDM which can be found here, deploying VMware Aria Automation (formerly known as vRealize Automation) enhances your VCF environment with powerful self-service provisioning, automated operations, and streamlined infrastructure management. This step-by-step guide will walk you through deploying Aria Automation using VMware Aria Lifecycle Manager in a VCF 5.2.1 environment, integrating it seamlessly with vIDM for Single Sign-On (SSO) and access management.


  1. VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) 5.2.1 Environment: Ensure VCF 5.2.1 is fully set up and operational.
  2. Aria Lifecycle Manager (ALCM) Appliance: Make sure Aria Lifecycle Manager is installed and accessible.
  3. Identity Management (vIDM): Deployed and configured to allow SSO across VMware products.
  4. DNS and Network Configurations: Validated for reachability and FQDN resolution.

Step 1: Access Aria Lifecycle Manager

  1. Log in to the Aria Lifecycle Manager (ALCM) console with admin credentials.
  2. Ensure your ALCM version aligns with VCF 5.2.1, ensuring compatibility.

Step 2: Add an Environment in ALCM

  1. In ALCM, navigate to Environments and Add New Environment.
  2. Input environment details, such as name and description, to organize deployments within the ALCM.
  3. Select a Datacenter for the deployment.
  4. Click Next.

Step 3: Select Product

  1. From the Select Product tab, select VMware Aria Automation.
  2. Click Next.

Step 4: EULA

  1. Review the EULA.
  2. Agree to the terms of the EULA.
  3. Click Next.

Step 5: Licensing

  1. In the Licensing tab we are able to select and add a license from the Locker.
  2. Once selected Validate the license.
  3. Click Next to continue.

Step 6: Certificates

  1. In the Certificate tab we are able to select or generate a new certificate.
  2. Select a certificate.
  3. Click Next to continue.

Step 7: Infrastructure

  1. From the Infrastructure tab, review the information. As we can see most of the fields are pre filled because we are deploying in VCF mode.
  2. Select a Cluster from the available list.
  3. Click Next to continue.

Step 8: Configure Network Settings for Aria Automation

  1. Most of the settings for the network should be pre filled.
  2. Review the selection and click Next.

Step 9: Configure the product deployment

  1. Choose the Node Size. The minimum size is Medium in VCF mode.
  2. Make sure to select the proper Certificate.
  3. Fill in the appropriate information for SDDC Manager.
  4. Make the proper Load Balancer selection.
  5. Fill in the VM network information.
  6. Click Next.

Step 10: Precheck

  1. Click on Run Precheck to validate the selections.
  2. Review the results to make sure everything validated correctly.
  3. Click Next.

Step 11: Summary

  1. Validate the details.
  2. Click on Topology to review the topology details.
  3. Click Submit to start the deployment.

Step 12: Post-Deployment Configuration in Aria Automation

  1. Access Aria Automation using the FQDN or IP configured during setup.
  2. Log in with the SSO credentials configured with vIDM to verify user access.
  3. Set up cloud templates, service catalog items, and workflows based on your automation needs.


Deploying VMware Aria Automation in a VCF 5.2.1 environment adds powerful automation and self-service provisioning capabilities. The ALCM simplifies deployment, ensuring seamless integration with the VMware ecosystem.

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