Enhancing vCenter Server Firewall Management with Ansible

In today’s dynamic IT environments, maintaining a secure and efficient infrastructure is paramount. For VMware vSphere administrators, managing the firewall settings on vCenter servers is a critical task that ensures the security of the entire virtualized infrastructure. Ansible, an open-source automation tool, offers a streamlined approach to managing firewall settings across multiple vCenter servers. This blog post will guide you through automating vCenter server firewall configurations using Ansible, showcasing how to apply these changes across multiple servers seamlessly.


  • Ansible installed on a control node (e.g., your workstation or a dedicated Ansible server).
  • Administrative access to your vCenter Server(s).
  • SSH access enabled on all target vCenter servers for Ansible.
  • A user account with sufficient privileges to modify firewall settings on the vCenter servers.

Part 1: Preparing Your Ansible Environment Before automating the firewall settings, ensure Ansible can communicate with your vCenter servers. This involves setting up an inventory file that lists all the target servers.

  1. Create an Inventory File: In your Ansible working directory, create a file named hosts.ini and add your vCenter servers under a group [vcenters]:

Part 2: Writing Your Ansible Playbook An Ansible playbook defines the tasks to be executed on the target machines. For firewall management, you’ll create a playbook that ensures the desired firewall rules are present and active.

  1. Create the Playbook: In your Ansible working directory, create a file named manage_firewall.yml. Below is an example playbook that enables SSH access on the vCenter servers by modifying the firewall settings.
- name: Manage Firewall Settings on vCenter Servers
  hosts: vcenters
  become: yes  # Use elevated privileges
    - name: Ensure SSH access is allowed in the firewall
        service: ssh
        state: enabled
        permanent: true
        immediate: yes

This playbook uses the ansible.builtin.firewalld module to manage firewall settings, specifically to enable SSH access. Adjust the module parameters as needed for your specific firewall rules.

Part 3: Executing the Playbook With the playbook and inventory file ready, you can now apply the firewall configurations to your vCenter servers.

  1. Run the Playbook: Execute the following command from your Ansible control node:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini manage_firewall.yml

This command instructs Ansible to run the playbook manage_firewall.yml against the hosts listed in hosts.ini, applying the firewall settings as defined.

Part 4: Scaling and Automating with Ansible Ansible’s power lies in its ability to scale and automate complex IT workflows. Consider integrating this playbook into your regular IT automation routines, such as part of a CI/CD pipeline or scheduled via Ansible Tower or AWX for regular compliance checks and updates.

Conclusion: Automating the management of firewall settings on vCenter servers with Ansible not only improves your security posture but also enhances operational efficiency by reducing manual tasks and potential for human error. By leveraging Ansible’s straightforward playbook syntax and powerful modules, you can ensure consistent firewall configurations across your VMware environment, freeing up time to focus on other critical IT initiatives.

Note: Always test your Ansible playbooks in a non-production environment before deploying them to production to ensure they work as expected and do not disrupt your services.

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